SciPol: the team

SciPol gathers cosmologists from various background, experts in data analysis and scientific exploitation/interpretation of CMB polarization observations.

Project team

  • Josquin Errard (PI, APC/CNRS)
  • Simon Biquard (2nd year PhD, APC/CNRS)
  • Ema Tsang King Sang (1st year PhD, APC/CNRS)
  • Pierre Chanial (Software engineer, APC/CNRS)
  • Benjamin Beringue (Postdoc, APC/CNRS)
  • Wassim Kabalan (1st year PhD, APC/CNRS)
  • Amalia Villarrubia-Aguilar (M2 intern)
  • Binh Nguyen (L3 intern)
  • Ève Barlier (scientific illustrator)

Local collaborators

  • Radek Stompor (Centre Pierre Binétruy, CNRS, Berkeley)
  • Magdy Morshed (3rd year PhD, APC/CNRS)
  • Arianna Rizzieri (3rd year PhD, APC/CNRS)
  • Alexandre Boucaud (Engineer, APC/CNRS)
  • Éric Aubourg (CEA, APC)
  • Guillaume Patanchon (University Paris Cité, APC)
  • Ken Ganga (Researcher, APC/CNRS)
  • Maude Le Jeune (Engineer, APC/CNRS)

International collaborators

  • C3 members: Julan Borrill, Reijo Keskitalo, Ted Kisner
  • SISSA: Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Carlo Baccigalupi, Léo Vacher
  • IPMU: Tomo Matsumura, Baptiste Jost, Clément Leloup
  • Santiago: Rolando Dunner
  • Harvard -> Stanford: Clara Vergès
  • the Simons Observatory, Simons Array, LiteBIRD, CMB-S4 collaborations